Sunday, January 3, 2010

Some thoughts & music for the beginning of 2010

I have high hopes for 2010. It's the beginning of a new decade. I feel we're given a fresh start to accomplish whatever we want! I have a whole list of new years resolutions. Here's just a few of them:

1) quit smoking
2) less alcohol more working out
3) figure out what I'm going back to school for (soo many interestes.. I could be a student for the rest of my life)
4) focus more on my creative ventures

Music has always been a big part of my life. There's nothing better than driving around in your car with the windows blasting your favorite tunes and singing along. Here's a few songs that I have had on repeat lately.

1) Alive - Kid Cudi (featuring Ratatat)
2) You Belong With Me - Butch Walker
3) Forever Young - Youth Group
4) Bloodstream - Canterbury Effect
5) Coast of Carolina - Telekinesis
6) Don't Throw Me Away - The Mumlers
7) Scissor Paper Rock - Architecture in Helsinki
8) Come Together - The Beatles