Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Simple Things...

I feel that it's really easy to complain about everything that goes wrong in your life. I find myself complaining about how uncomfortable it is to sleep, how exhausted I constantly am, etc. So I'm going to dedicate this post to the little things that I'm grateful for/make me happy.

1) My Oma's german accent. Sometimes I call just to hear her voice.
2) My close friends who have always been there through thick & thin.
3) The 3:30am dance parties that take place in my stomach.
4) Kisses on my forehead
5) Vanilla ice cream, hot fudge and rainbow sprinkles.
6) Cozy socks
7) When dinner is cooked for me.
8) Seeing smiles on my favorite people's faces.
9) When things smell clean.
10) A good belly laugh
11) Snuggling
12) Seeing my favorite puppies.
13) Taking pictures.
14) Reading stories to the twins.
15) Naps