Thursday, December 23, 2010

Packing Woes

When I was attempting to pack for my trip home I had many interruptions. Taking others to the airports, delivering Christmas presents to people, etc. It's safe to say I basically threw a bunch of clothing into the suitcase and hoped for the best.

2 layovers and 3 plane rides later I finally arrived in Bethlehem (Pennsylvania). I don't even remember what the weather felt like when I arrived because I was whisked off to see my three little cousins who were leaving the next day. It's safe to say I under packed for this trip. I was smart in packing in leggings and cozy socks. I wore my NY Giants sweatshirt to breakfast this morning along with my heavy duty down winter jacket. I think my Eagles loving mother was soo appalled at my sweatshirt that she decided to take me shopping. For the first time in a VERY long time I couldn't find ANYTHING I liked. So my Eagles loving mother will have to deal with the sight of my beautiful NY Giants sweatshirt a little bit longer. Above are some images of things I was looking for. Yes, they are a bit random.